This is to report back from a workshop in Kiel on theories and methods to assess sustainability in complex social-ecological systems. It was organized by…

As part of the “Social-Ecological Resilience for Sustainable Development” master’s programme at the Stockholm Resilience Center, I studied the seafood flow from marine ecosystems to different market…

Just before everything got really started after the summer break we (Blanca, Emilie, Maja and Nanda) attended and co-organised (Nanda) the social simulation conference in…

Like almost everyone else I closed my work projects for the summer, but before going on holiday I could spend a week thinking, listening and…

After almost three years of AQUACROSS running with our case study at the Ringsjön and Rönne catchment in Skåne, it was time for me to…

Another PhD journey ended successfully and we welcome our colleague Kirill now as PostDoc in our team! For the defense of his thesis “Understanding interest…

By Andrew F Johnson April 11th I travelled from the Scripps Institution of Oceanography, where I am currently a post-doc in marine ecology, to the…

Workshop – reflecting on interventions* in fisheries 13 March I organised a workshop to reflect on interventions in small-scale fisheries using an agent-based model. The…

Our modeling study on the importance of social processes for the collapse of the cod in the Baltic (Lade et al. 2015, blog post) published…
SES-LINK at the World Economic Forum 2018 in Davos
Maja Schlüter was invited by the European Research Council (ERC), who has been funding our work in the SES-LINK and MuSES projects, to present the…