Sharing insights with the Vice Minister for Multilateral Affairs and Human Rights in Mexico

Sharing insights with the Vice Minister for Multilateral Affairs and Human Rights in Mexico

On Monday, October 21st, 2019, Emilie Lindkvist, Blanca González, and Kara Pellowe were invited by the SRC leadership to present our work on small-scale fisheries…

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Resilience thinking agent-based modelers join forces with marine biologists

Resilience thinking agent-based modelers join forces with marine biologists

For a couple of days the agent-based specialists me (Emilie Lindkvist) and Maja Schlüter from Stockholm Resilience Centre (SRC) reunited with Andrew Johnson, Octavio Aburto-Ortopeza…

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New publication: Emergent patterns of self-governance

New publication: Emergent patterns of self-governance

In the next decades, small-scale fisheries (SSFs) in developing countries are expected to play a significant role in poverty alleviation and enhancing food security. However,…

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Field trip to Mexico–Meeting the Agents!

Field trip to Mexico–Meeting the Agents!

Reporting back from my recent trip to Mexico, Baja California Sur (BCS), visit small-scale fishery communities, and to join the start-up workshop for my post…

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Traineeship at SES-LINK

Traineeship at SES-LINK

By Rodrigo Martinez What is it like to do an traineeship at SES-LINK? I got attracted to this traineeship because I was interested in doing…

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