Restoration, transient dynamics and time lags instead of tipping points and collapse.

”Co-creation – making Ecological Economics matter” was the title of this years international conference of the European Society for Ecological Economics in Turku, Finland. In…

This is to report back from a workshop recently held at the Boline Centre and Stockholm Resilience Centre on different disciplinary perspectives on the Sustainable…

For a bit more than three years has the H2020 project Aquacross been running research on aquatic biodiversity and ecosystem services. Therein we lead the…

This is to report back from a workshop in Kiel on theories and methods to assess sustainability in complex social-ecological systems. It was organized by…

After almost three years of AQUACROSS running with our case study at the Ringsjön and Rönne catchment in Skåne, it was time for me to…

Another PhD journey ended successfully and we welcome our colleague Kirill now as PostDoc in our team! For the defense of his thesis “Understanding interest…

With the title “Development and Resilience – Re-thinking poverty and intervention in biocultural landscapes” our colleague Jamila successfully defended her thesis today! Jamila presented her…

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.” Margaret Mead …

By Rebecca Kariuki Like most PhD students determined to make a significant contribution to science and policy through their research, my PhD journey is not…