We do research on 1) explaining and managing change in social-ecological systems, 2) the role of human adaptive behaviour, social processes and structures for sustainable and resilient SES, 3) cross-scale dynamics of SES, and 4) theoretical and philosophical foundations of SES research, particularly a shift towards process and relational ontologies of SES.

Explaining and managing change

PovertyTraps – The interplay of ecological, economic and social factors in determining poverty traps and their alleviation
LimnoScenES – Social-ecological Scenarios for aquatic Ecosystem Services
OctoPINTS – Octopus and People In Novel Transdisciplinary Simulations
FoRel – Forum theater to enhance joint agency in Kenya and Mozambique: towards relational understandings of climate change
 PRAda – Process-relational adaptation to climate change 
Policy change – Developing middle-range theory of adaptation and change in SES governance

Theoretical and philosophical Foundations

Process Ontology – Use of process ontology to study human nature interactions in complex adaptive systems
CauSES – Approaches to causation in social-ecological systems (SES)
SEAS – A framework of linked social-ecological action situations
MuSES – Towards middle-range theory of the co-evolutionary dynamics of SES
MoHub-II – Towards more realistic models of human behaviour in SES

Cross-scale dynamics

Traders – Cross-scale sustainability of small-scale food production
AG-innovation – Cross-scale interactions in agricultural innovation, Mali
FishMob – Sequential Exploitation and Fisher Mobility in Small-scale Fisheries in The Gulf of California, Mexico
CrossFish Cross-scale interactions between local and regional Fisheries
COBA – Implications of complex social-ecological interactions for sustainable irrigation management
Multilevel TSL A modeling framework for cross-scale cooperation in natural resource management

Human behavior and social structures

AgentEx-II: Climate change from the small-scale fisher’s point of view. Identifying multi-level processes for sustainable small-scale fisheries
SSFX-ity – Impact of interventions in ecological and social complexities of small-scale fisheries
FlexiMar – How regulatory interventions interact with fisher heterogeneity to affect inequality and sustainability outcomes in small-scale fisheries

Past Projects

AgentEx-I: Towards mechanism-based explanations of cooperative sustainable resource use
Aquacross – Managing the co-production of aquatic ES in a freshwater catchment
BalticSES – The importance of social processes for the collapse of the Baltic Cod
TSL – Social-ecological causes of regime shifts
CPnorm – Robustness of norm-driven cooperation to environmental variability
FIBE – Implications of the diversity of human behaviour for sustainable fisheries
Interest Groups – Interest groups as links between social-ecological and policy dynamics

MoHuB-I – Modelling Human Behavior in social-ecological systems

LimnoTip – Social-ecological regime shifts in temperate lakes
PowerAcademics – The role of academic actors in social-ecological transformations
2MARE – Implications of cross-scale market integration for sustainable fisheries

SMILI – and SMILI-T. Micro-level explanations for the diversity of self-governance arrangements in small-scale fisheries. SMILI-T, on transformations of self-governance.

SQUID – Cross-scale dynamics in the squid fishery