working papers in progress

Caniglia G and Schlüter M (2023) “Practical Causal Knowledge for Sustainability: Implications of Co-production for a Philosophical Understanding of Causality in Sustainability Science.” SocArXiv. November 16.

Schlüter M., Hertz T., Mancilla García M., Banitz T., Grimm V., Johansson, L. G., Lindkvist E., MartínezPeña R., Radosavljevic S., Wennberg K.,Ylikoski P. (2023) “Navigating causal reasoning in sustainability science“. SocArXiv. November 16

Martinez-Peña R, Schlüter M, Hertz T, Banitz T, Wennberg K, Radosavljevich S, Ylikoski P (2023) “Analysis of causal argumentation in social-ecological systems research”.

Martinez-Peña R and Ylikoski P (2023) “Constructing the Coleman boat – Mechanism-based theorising in socio-ecological research”.


Frawley TH, González-Mon B, Nenadovic M, Gladstone F, Nomura K, Alberto Zepeda-Domínguez J, Rodriguez-Van Dyck S, Ferrer EM, Torre J, Micheli F, Leslie HM and Basurto X (2024). “Self-governance mediates small-scale fishing strategies, vulnerability and adaptive response” Global Environmental Change January, 2024. 84, 102805.

Hertz T, Banitz T, Martínez-Peña R, Radosavljevic S, Lindkvist E, Johansson L-G, Ylikoski P and Schlüter M (2024). “Eliciting the plurality of causal reasoning in social-ecological systems research” Ecology and Society February, 2024. 29(1)


Currie T E, Borgerhoff Mulder M, Fogarty L, Schlüter M, Folke C, Haider L J, Caniglia G, Tavoni A, Jansen R E V, Søgaard Jørgensen P and Waring T M (2023). “Integrating evolutionary theory and social–ecological systems research to address the sustainability challenges of the Anthropocene”. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B 379: 20220262

Caniglia  G, Freeth R, Luederitz C , Leventon J, West SP, John  B, Peukert D, Lang DJ, von Wehrden H, Martín-López B, Fazey I, Russo F, von Wirth T, Schlüter M  & Vogel C (2023). “Practical wisdom and virtue ethics for knowledge co-production in sustainability science”. Nature Sustainability 6, 493–501

Elsler LG, Neil M, Ferse S, Navarrete Forero G, Glaser M and Schlüter M (2023). “Compliance in small-scale fisheries is linked to fisher-trader relations: not fishers alone (Southeast Asian case study)” Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries.

Elsler LG, Oostdijk M, Gephart JA, Free CM, Zhao J, Tekwag E, Bochniewiczh EM, Giron-Navai A and Johnson AF (2023). “Global trade network patterns are coupled to fisheries sustainability”production in sustainability science”. PNAS Nexus  2, 1-10

Fischer H, Wijermans N and Schlüter M (2023). “Testing the Social Function of Metacognition for Common‐Pool Resource Use” Cognitive Science March, 2023. 47(3), e13212.

Gonzalez-Mon B, Bodin Ö and Schlüter M (2023). “Small-scale fisheries and agricultural trade networks are socially embedded: emerging hypotheses about responses to environmental changes” Ecology and Society. 28(3):9

Martin R and Sanga U (2023). “Participatory modelling: Participatory research methods for sustainability ‐ toolkit 6” GAIA – Ecological Perspectives for Science and Society July, 2023. 32(2), 230-232.

Radosavljevic S, Banitz T, Grimm V, Johansson L-G, Lindkvist E, Schlüter M, Ylikoski P. (2023). “Dynamical systems modeling for structural understanding of social-ecological systems: a primer”. Ecological Complexity. Volume 56, 101052.

Sanga U, Schlüter‬ M, & Berrío-Martínez J (2023). “Modelling agricultural innovations as a social-ecological phenomenon” Socio-Environmental Systems Modelling, 5, 18562.

Schlüter M, Brelsford C, Ferraro PJ, Orach K, Qiu M and Smith MD (2023). “Unraveling complex causal processes that affect sustainability requires more integration between empirical and modeling approaches” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences October, 2023. 120(41), e2215676120.

Tanguay L, Herzog LM, Audet R, Beisner BE, Martin R and Pahl-Wostl C (2023). “Opportunities for and barriers to anticipatory governance of two lake social–ecological systems in Germany and Canada” People and Nature 5(3)

Wood A, Queiroz C, Deutsch L, González-Mon B, Jonell M, Pereira L, Sinare H, Svedin U and Wassénius E (2023). “Reframing the local–global food systems debate through a resilience lens“. Nature Food, 4, pp 22–29


Banitz T, Hertz T, Johansson LG, Lindkvist E, Martínez-Peña R, Radosavljevic S, Schlüter M, Wennberg, K, Ylikoski, P and Grimm, V (2022). “Visualization of causation in social-ecological systems”. Ecology & society, 27(1).                                                                                

Banitz T, Schlüter M, Lindkvist E, Radosavljevic S, Johansson LG, Ylikoski P, Martínez-Peña R, Grimm V (2022) “Model-derived causal explanations are inherently constrained by hidden assumptions and context: The example of Baltic cod dynamics”. Environmental Modelling & Software, Volume 156, 2022,105489, ISSN 1364-8152                                                                                         

Elsler LG, Quintana A, Giron-Nava A, Oostdijk M, Stefanski S, Basurto Guillermo X, Nenadovic M, Espinosa Romero MJ, Hudson Weaver A, Rodriguez Van Dyck S and Tekwa E W (2022). “Strong collective action enables valuable and sustainable fisheries for cooperatives“. Environ. Res. Lett. 17 105003

Herzog L, Tanguay L,  Beisner B E, Pahl-Wostl C, Audet R and Schlüter, M (2022). “Studying human-nature relations in aquatic social-ecological systems using the social-ecological action situations framework: how to move from empirical data to conceptual models“. Ecology and Society 27(3):7.                                                                                         

Lindkvist E, Pellowe K, Alexander SM, Drury O’Neill E, Finkbeiner EM, Girón-Nava A, González-Mon B, Johnson AF, Pittman J, Schill C, Wijermans N, Bodin Ö, Glaser M (2022). “Untangling social–ecological interactions: A methods portfolio approach to tackling contemporary sustainability challenges in fisheries” Fish and Fisheries, 23(5), 1202-1220.

Reyers B, Moore M-L, Haider LJ and Schlüter M (2022). “The contributions of resilience to reshaping sustainable development” Nature Sustainability, May, 1-8.

Schlüter M, Caniglia G, Orach K, Bodin Ö, Magliocca N, Meyfroidt P and Reyers B (2022). “Why care about theories? Innovative ways of theorizing in sustainability science” Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability February. 54, 101154.

Wijermans N, Schill C, Lindahl T, & Schlüter M (2022). “Combining approaches: Looking behind the scenes of integrating multiple types of evidence from controlled behavioural experiments through agent-based modelling”. International Journal of Social Research Methodology. 25 (4), 569-581.                                                                                         

Schlüter M, Wijermans N, Hertz T & Klein A (2022). “Doing ABMs differently: Applying a process relational lens to modeling social-ecological systems“. Environmental Research Letters. 17 105003


Constantino SM, Schlüter M, Weber EU and Wijermans N (2021). “Cognition and behavior in context: a framework and theories to explain natural resource use decisions in social-ecological systems” Sustainability Science September, 2021. 16(5), 1651-1671.

Donges JF, Lucht W, Heitzig J, Barfuss W, Cornell SE, Lade SJ and Schlüter M (2021). “Taxonomies for structuring models for World-Earth system analysisof the Anthropocene: subsystems, their interactions andsocial-ecological feedback loops”. Thesis at: Dynamics of the Earth system: concepts.

Elsler LG, Frawley TH, Britten GL, Crowder LB, DuBois TC, Radosavljevic S, Gilly WF, Crépin A-S and Schlüter M (2021). “Social relationship dynamics mediate climate impacts on income inequality: evidence from the Mexican Humboldt squid fishery”. Regional Environmental Change June, 2021. 21(2), 35.

Gonzalez-Mon, B., Bodin, Ö., Lindkvist, E., Frawley, T. H., Giron-Nava, A., Basurto, X., Nenadovic, M., Schlüter, M.(2021) “Spatial diversification as a mechanism to adapt to environmental changes in small-scale fisheries”. Environmental Science & Policy116, 246-257.

González-Mon B, Lindkvist E, Bodin Ö, Zepeda-Domínguez JA and Schlüter M (2021). “Fish provision in a changing environment: The buffering effect of regional trade networks” PLoS ONE 16(12)

Haider, L., Schlüter, M., Folke, C., Reyers, B. (2021) “Rethinking resilience and development: A coevolutionary perspective”. Ambio.

Hertz T and Mancilla Garcia M (2021). “The Cod and the Cut: Intra-Active Intuitions”. Front. Social 6: 724741.

Hertz T, Brattander E and & Rose L (2021). “Complexity-Aware Monitoring and Evaluation.” Journal Of Multi Disciplinary Evaluation (17.41), 35-50.

Orach K and Schlüter M (2021). “Understanding the dynamics of fish politics: The role of diverse actor interactions in transformations towards co-management” Environmental Science & Policy October, 2021. 124, 195-205.

Radosavljevic, S., Haider, L.J., Lade, S.J. and Schlüter, M. “Implications of poverty traps across levels”, World Development. (2021).
Volume 144,105437,

Schlüter M, Lindkvist E and Basurto X (2021). “The interplay between top-down interventions and bottom-up self-organization shapes opportunities for transforming self-governance in small-scale fisheries”. Marine Policy June, 2021. 128, 104485.

Biggs R, Clements H, de Vos A, Folke C, Manyani A, Maciejewski K, Martín-López B, Preiser R, Selomane O, Schlüter M (2021) “What are social-ecological systems and social-ecological systems research?” In: Biggs R,  De Vos A, Preiser R, Clements H, Maciejewski K, Schlüter M (editors) The Routledge Handbook of Research Methods for Social-Ecological Systems, Routledge.

Preiser R, Schlüter M, Biggs R, Mancilla García M, Haider J, Hertz T, Klein L (2021). “Complexity-based social-ecological systems research: philosophical foundations and practical implications” In: Biggs R,  De Vos A, Preiser R, Clements H, Maciejewski K, Schlüter M (editors) The Routledge Handbook of Research Methods for Social-Ecological Systems, Routledge.

De Vos A, Maciejewski K, Bodin Ö, Norström A, Schlüter M, Tengö M (2021). “The practice and design of social-ecological systems research” In: Biggs R, De Vos A, Preiser R, Clements H, Maciejewski K, Schlüter M (editors)The Routledge Handbook of Research Methods for Social-Ecological Systems, Routledge.

Biggs R, Clements H, de Vos A, Maciejewski K, Preiser R, Schlüter M (2021). “How to use this handbook” In: Biggs R,  De Vos A, Preiser R, Clements H, Maciejewski K, Schlüter M (editors) The Routledge Handbook of Research Methods for Social-Ecological Systems, Routledge.

Schlüter M, Lindkvist E, Wijermans N, Polhill G (2021). “Agent-based modelling” In: Biggs R,  De Vos A, Preiser R, Clements H, Maciejewski K, Schlüter M (editors) The Routledge Handbook of Research Methods for Social-Ecological Systems, Routledge.

Schlüter M, Biggs R, Clements H, de Vos A, Maciejewski K, Preiser R (2021). “Synthesis and emerging frontiers in social-ecological systems research methods” In: Biggs R,  De Vos A, Preiser R, Clements H, Maciejewski K, Schlüter M (editors) The Routledge Handbook of Research Methods for Social-Ecological Systems, Routledge.


Martin, R., Radosavljevic, S., Schlüter, M., Short-term decisions in lake restoration have long-term consequences for water quality. Regional Environmental Change 20, 101 (2020).

Schwarz, N., Dressler, G., Frank, K., Jager, W., Janssen, M., Müller, B., Schlüter, M., Wijermans, N., Groeneveld, J., Formalising theories of human decision-making for agent-based modelling of social-ecological systems: practical lessons learned and ways forward. Socio-Environmental Systems Modelling, 2, 16340 (2020).

Cumming, G., Epstein, G., Anderies, J., Apetrei, C., Baggio, J., Bodin, Ö., Chawla, S., Clements, H., Cox, M., Egli, L., Gurney, G., Lubell, M., Magliocca, N., Morrison, T., Müller, B., Seppelt, R., Schlüter, M., Unnikrishnan, H., Villamayor-Tomas, S., Weible, C., Advancing understanding of natural resource governance: a post-Ostrom research agenda. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 44,  26-34 (2020).

Herrfahrdt-Pähle, E., Schlüter, M., Olsson, P., Folke, C., Gelcich, S., Pahl-Wostl, C., Sustainability transformations: socio-political shocks as opportunities for governance transitions. Global Environmental Change 63, 102097 (2020).

Wijermans, N., Boonstra, W., Orach, K., Hentati-Sundberg, J., Schlüter, M., Behavioural diversity in fishing—Towards a next generation of fishery models. Fish and Fisheries 00, 1-9 (2020).

Orach, K., Duit, A., Schlüter, M., Sustainable natural resource governance under interest group competition in policy-making. Nature Human Behavior (2020).

Basurto, X., Bennett, A., Lindkvist, E., Schlüter, M., Governing the commons beyond harvesting: An empirical illustration from fishing. PLoS ONE 15(4): e0231575, (2020).

Mancilla García, M., Hertz, T., Schlüter, M., Preiser, R., Woermann, M. (2020). Adopting process-relational perspectives to tackle the challenges of social-ecological systems research. Ecology and Society 25(1): 29.

Radosavljevic, S., Haider, L., Lade, S., Schlüter, M. (2020). Effective alleviation of rural poverty depends on the interplay between productivity, nutrients, water and soil quality. Ecological Economics 169, 106494.

Hertz, T., Mancilla García, M., Schlüter, M. (2020). From nouns to verbs: How process ontologies enhance our understanding of social‐ecological systems understood as complex adaptive systems. People and Nature 00, 1 – 11.

Lindkvist, E., Wijermans, N., Daw, T. M., Gonzalez-Mon, B., Giron-Nava, A., Johnson, A. F., van Putten, I., Basurto, X., & Schlüter, M. (2020). Navigating Complexities: Agent-Based Modeling to Support Research, Governance, and Management in Small-Scale Fisheries. Frontiers in Marine Science 6, 733.

Martin R, Schlüter M and Blenckner T (2020). “The importance of transient social dynamics for restoring ecosystems beyond ecological tipping points” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences January, 2020.


Haider, L., Boonstra, W., Akobirshoeva, A., Schlüter, M. (2019) Effects of development interventions on biocultural diversity: a case study from the Pamir Mountains. Agriculture and Human Values.

Elsler LG, Drohan SE, Schlüter M, Watson JR and Levin SA (2019). “Local, Global, Multi-Level: Market Structure and Multi-Species Fishery Dynamics” Ecological Economics 156, 185 – 195.

Garcia MM, Hertz T and Schlüter M (2019). “Towards a Process Epistemology for the Analysis of Social-Ecological Systems” Environmental Values, 22.

Hertz T and Mancilla Garcia M (2019). “The event: a process ontological concept to understand emergent phenomena” Philosohy Kitchen 11.

González-Mon B, Bodin Ö, Crona B, Nenadovic M and Basurto X (2019). “Small-scale fish buyers’ trade networks reveal diverse actor types and differential adaptive capacities” Ecological Economics October, 2019. 164, 106338.

Lippe M, Bithell M, Gotts N, Natalini D, Barbrook-Johnson P, Giupponi C, Hallier M, Hofstede GJ, Le Page C, Matthews RB, Schlüter M, Smith P, Teglio A and Thellmann K (2019). “Using agent-based modelling to simulate social-ecological systems across scales” GeoInformatica Jan, 2019.

Ringsmuth AK, Lade SJ and Schlüter M (2019). “Cross-scale cooperation enables sustainable use of a common-pool resource” Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences October, 2019. 286(1913), 20191943.

Schlüter M, Haider L, Lade S, Lindkvist E, Martin R, Orach K, Wijermans N and Folke C (2019). “Capturing emergent phenomena in social-ecological systems: an analytical framework” Ecology and Society August, 2019. 24(3)

Schlüter M, Orach K, Lindkvist E, Martin R, Wijermans N, Bodin Ö and Boonstra WJ (2019). “Toward a methodology for explaining and theorizing about social-ecological phenomena” Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, August, 2019. 39, 44-53.

Schlüter M, Müller B and Frank K (2019). “The potential of models and modeling for social-ecological systems research: the reference frame ModSES” Ecology and Society, March, 2019. 24(1)

Schill C, Anderies JM, Lindahl T, Folke C, Polasky S, Cárdenas JC, Crépin A-S, Janssen MA, Norberg J and Schlüter M (2019). “A more dynamic understanding of human behaviour for the Anthropocene” Nature Sustainability, December, 2019. 2(12), 1075-1082.


Bercht AL and Wijermans N (2018). “Mind the mind: How to effectively communicate about cognition in social-ecological systems research” Ambio Springer Netherlands.

Gonzalez-Mon, B., Bodin,Ö.,  Basurto, X., Nenadovic, M., Lindkvist, E., Weaver, A.H. (2018): “Trading fish in Baja California Sur, Mexico”. dataMares. InteractiveResource.

Haider LJ, Neusel B, Peterson GD and Schlüter M (2018). “Past management affects success of current joint forestry management institutions in Tajikistan” Environment, Development and Sustainability Mar, 2018.

Haider, LJ, Boonstra WJ, Peterson GD,  Schlüter M, (2018). “Traps and Sustainable Development in Rural Areas: A review.” World Development. 101: 311-321.

Hamann, M., Berry,K., Chaigneau, T., Curry, T., Heilmayr, R., Henriksson, P.J.G., Hentati-Sundberg, J., Jina,A., Lindkvist, E., Lopez-Maldonado, Y., Nieminen, E., Piaggio, M., Qiu, J., Rocha, J.C., Schill, C., Shepon, A., Tilman,A.R., van den Bijgaart, I., Wu, T. (2018). “Inequality and the Biosphere”. Annual Review of Environment and Resources.

Jørgensen PS, Aktipis A, Brown Z, Carrière Y, Downes S, Dunn RR, Epstein G, Frisvold GB, Hawthorne D, Gröhn YT, Gujar GT, Jasovský D, Klein EY, Klein F, Lhermie G, Mota-Sanchez D, Omoto C, Schlüter M, Scott HM, Wernli D, Carroll SP and with Resistance project L (2018). “Antibiotic and pesticide susceptibility and the Anthropocene operating space” Nature Sustainability 1(11), 632-641.

Meyfroidt P, Chowdhury RR, de Bremond A, Ellis E, Erb K-H, Filatova T, Garrett R, Grove J, Heinimann A, Kuemmerle T, Kull C, Lambin E, Landon Y, le Polain de Waroux Y, Messerli P, Müller D, Nielsen J, Peterson GD, García VR, Schlüter M, Turner B and Verburg P (2018). “Middle-range theories of land system change” Global Environmental Change 53, 52 – 67.


Haider, L.J. J Hentati-Sundberg, M. Giusti, J. Goodness, M. Hamman, V. Masterson, M. Meacham, A. Merrie, D. Ospina, C, Schill, H. Sinare (2017). The undisciplinary journey: Early-career perspectives in sustainability science. Sustainability Science. DOI 10.1007/211625-017-0445-1.

Orach K, Schlüter M, Österblom H, 2017. Tracing a pathway to success: How competing interest groups influenced the 2013 EU Common Fisheries Policy reform. Environmental Science & Policy 76, 90–102.

Lade SJ, Haider LJ, Engström G, Schlüter M, 2017. Resilience offers escape from trapped thinking on poverty alleviation. Science Advances 3, e1603043.

Lindkvist E, Basurto X, Schlüter, M (2017). “Micro-level explanations for emergent patterns of self-governance arrangements in small-scale fisheries—A modeling approach” PLoS ONE, April, 2017.

Lindkvist E, Ekeberg Ö, Norberg, J (2017). “Strategies for sustainable management of renewable resources during environmental change” Proceedings of the Royal Society B, March, 2017. 284 20162762.

Müller-Hansen F, Schlüter M, Mäs M, Donges JF, Kolb JJ, Thonicke K and Heitzig J (2017). “Towards representing human behavior and decision making in Earth system models — an overview of techniques and approaches” Earth System Dynamics 8(4), 977-1007.

Schlüter M, Baeza A, Dressler G, Frank K, Groeneveld J, Jager W, Janssen MA, McAllister RR, Müller B, Orach K, Schwarz N and Wijermans N (2017). “A framework for mapping and comparing behavioural theories in models of social-ecological systems” Ecological Economics, January, 2017. 131, 21-35.


Jørgensen PS, Wernli D, Carroll SP, Dunn RR, Harbarth S, Levin SA, So AD, Schlüter M and Laxminarayan R (2016). “Use antimicrobials wisely” Nature September, 2016. 537(7619), 159-161.

Nyborg K, Anderies JM, Dannenberg A, Lindahl T, Schill C, Schlüter M, Adger WN, Arrow KJ, Barrett S, Carpenter S, Chapin FS, Crépin A-S, Daily G, Ehrlich P, Folke C, Jager W, Kautsky N, Levin SA, Madsen OJ, Polasky S, Scheffer M, Walker B, Weber EU, Wilen J, Xepapadeas A and Zeeuw Ad (2016). “Social norms as solutions” Science October, 2016. 354(6308), 42-43.

Orach K and Schlüter M (2016). “Uncovering the political dimension of social-ecological systems: Contributions from policy process frameworks” Global Environmental Change, September, 2016. 40, 13-25.

Polhill JG, Filatova T, Schlüter M and Voinov A (2016). “Modelling systemic change in coupled socio-environmental systems” Environmental Modelling and Software 75, 318-332.

Schill C, Wijermans N, Schlüter M and Lindahl T (2016). “Cooperation Is Not Enough Exploring Social-Ecological Micro-Foundations for Sustainable Common-Pool Resource Use” PLoS ONE Public Library of Science. 08, 2016. 11(8), 1-24.

Schlüter M, Tavoni A and Levin S (2016). “Robustness of norm-driven cooperation in the commons” Proceedings of the Royal Society B 283, (20152431).


Andringa TC, Van Den Bosch KA and Wijermans N (2015) “Cognition from life: the two modes of cognition that underlie moral behavior.” Frontiers in Psychology 6:362.

Biggs R(Oonsie), Schlüter M and Schoon ML (2015). “Principles for Building Resilience: Sustaining Ecosystem Services in Social-Ecological Systems” Cambridge University Press.

Biggs R(Oonsie), Gordon L, Raudsepp-Hearne C, Schlüter M and Walker B (2015). “Principle 3 — Manage slow variables and feedbacks” In: Biggs, R. (Oonsie), Schlüter, M. and Schoon, M. (editors) Principles for Building Resilience: Sustaining Ecosystem Services in Social-Ecological Systems. Cambridge University Press.

Biggs R(Oonsie), Schlüter M and Schoon ML (2015). “An introduction to the resilience approach and principles to sustain ecosystem services in social-ecological systems” In: Biggs, R. (Oonsie), Schlüter, M. and Schoon, M. (editors) Principles for Building Resilience: Sustaining Ecosystem Services in Social-Ecological Systems. Cambridge University Press.

Bots PWG, Schlüter M and Sendzimir J (2015). “A framework for analyzing, comparing, and diagnosing social-ecological systems” Ecology and Society 20(4).

Haider LJ and van Oudenhoven F (2015). “Seed and Ideas: Food as a method in development practice” Oxfam Novib/ Hivos Thought for Food Series. Netherlands

Hertz T and Schlüter M (2015). “The SES-Framework as boundary object to address theory orientation in social-ecological system research: The SES-TheOr approach” Ecological Economics 116, 12-24.

Hinkel J, Cox ME, Schlüter M, Binder CR and Falk T (2015). “A diagnostic procedure for applying the social-ecological systems framework in diverse cases” Ecology and Society 20(1).

Lade SJ, Niiranen S, Hentati-Sundberg J, Blenckner T, Boonstra WJ, Orach K, Quaas MF, Österblom H and Schlüter M (2015). “An empirical model of the Baltic Sea reveals the importance of social dynamics for ecological regime shifts” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 112(35), 11120-11125.

Martin R and Schlüter M (2015). “Combining system dynamics and agent-based modeling to analyze social-ecological interactions – an example from modeling restoration of a shallow lake” Frontiers in Environmental Science 3(66).

Mikulcak F, Haider LJ, Abson DJ, Newig J and Fischer J (2015). “Applying a capitals approach to understand rural development traps: A case study from post-socialist Romania” Land Use Policy. 43, 248-258.

van Oudenhoven F and Haider LJ (2015). “With Our Own Hands: A celebration of food and life in the Pamir Mountains of Afghanistan and Tajikistan.” LM Publishers. Utretcht, Netherlands. ISBN: 9789460222276 (forthcoming)
[URL] [PDF book announcement]

Quinlan A, Berbes-Balzquez M, Haider LJ, Peterson GD (2015). “Measuring and assessing resilience: broadening understanding through multiple disciplinary perspectives.” Journal of Applied Ecology.

Schlüter M, Biggs R(Oonsie), Schoon ML, Robards M and Anderies M (2015). “Reflections on Building Resilience: Interactions among Principles and Implications for Governance” In: Biggs, R. (Oonsie), Schlüter, M. and Schoon, M. (editors) Principles for Building Resilience: Sustaining Ecosystem Services in Social-Ecological Systems. Cambridge University Press.


Hinkel J, Bots PWG and Schlüter M (2014). “Enhancing the Ostrom social-ecological system framework through formalization” Ecology and Society. 19

Lindkvist E and Norberg J (2014). “Modeling experiential learning: The challenges posed by threshold dynamics for sustainable renewable resource management” Ecological Economics. 104, 107-118.

Müller B, Balbi S, Buchmann CM, de Sousa L, Dressler G, Groeneveld J, Klassert CJ, Le QB, Millington JD, Nolzen H, Parker DC, Polhill JG, Schlüter M, Schulze J, Schwarz N, Sun Z, Taillandier P and Weise H (2014). “Standardised and transparent model descriptions for agent-based models: Current status and prospects” Environmental Modelling & Software. 55, 156-163.

Schlüter M, Lindkvist E and Basurto X. (2014). “The evolution of cooperative versus non-cooperative governance of small-scale fisheries”Proceedings of the Social Simulation Conference 2014 of the 10thconference of the European Social Simulation Association,Barcelona.

Schlüter M, Hinkel J, Bots PWG and Arlinghaus R (2014). “Application of the SES Framework for Model-based Analysis of the Dynamics of Social-Ecological Systems” Ecology and Society. 19(1), 36.

West S, Haider LJ, Sinare H and Karpouzoglou T (2014). “Beyond Divides: Prospects for synergy between resilience and pathways approaches to sustainability” STEPS Working Paper65, Brighton: STEPS Centre.

Wijermans N and Schlüter M (2014). “Agent-Based Case Studies for Understanding of Social-Ecological Systems: Cooperation on Irrigation in Bali” In: Kamin’ski, B. and Koloch, G. (editors) Advances in Social Simulation, Proceedings of the 9th Conference of the European Social Simulation Association. 229, 295-305.

Wijermans N and Schlüter M (2014). “Modelling cooperation in Bali irrigation” Proceedings of the Social Simulation Conference 2014 of the 10thconference of the European Social Simulation Association,Barcelona.


Lade SJ, Tavoni A, Levin SA and Schlüter M (2013). “Regime shifts in a social-ecological system” Theoretical Ecology. 6(3), 359-372.

Müller B, Bohn F, Dreßler G, Groeneveld J, Klassert C, Martin R, Schlüter M, Schulze J, Weise H and Schwarz N (2013). “Describing human decisions in agent-based models – ODD + D, an extension of the ODD protocol “ Environmental Modelling & Software. 48(0), 37 – 48.

Österblom H, Merrie A, Metian M, Boonstra WJ, Watson JR, Rykaczewski RR, Ota Y, Sarmiento JL, Schlüter M, Birnbaum S, Gustafsson BG, Humborg C, Müller-karulis B, Tomczak MT, Troell M, Folke C and Blenckner T (2013). “Modeling Social-Ecological Scenarios in Marine Systems” BioScience. September, 2013. 63(9), 735-744.

Pahl-Wostl C, Arthington A, Bogardi J, Bunn SE, Hoff H, Lebel L, Nikitina E, Palmer M, Poff LN, Richards K, Schlüter M, Schulze R, St-Hilaire A, Tharme R, Tockner K and Tsegai D (2013). “Environmental flows and water governance: managing sustainable water uses” Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability. September, 2013. 5(3-4), 341-351.

Earlier related publications


Schlüter M, Khasankhanova G, Talskikh V and Taryannikova R (2013). “Enhancing resilience to water flow uncertainty by integrating environmental flows into water management in the Amudarya River , Central Asia” Global and Planetary Change. 110(Part A), 114-129.

Waldherr A and Wijermans N (2013). “Communicating Social Simulation Models to Sceptical Minds” Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation 16(4), 13. [URL] [PDF]


Biggs R, Schlüter M, Biggs D, Bohensky EL, BurnSilver S, Cundill G, Dakos V, Daw TM, Evans LS, Kotschy K, Leitch AM, Meek C, Quinlan A, Raudsepp-Hearne C, Robards MD, Schoon ML, Schultz L and West PC (2012). “Toward Principles for Enhancing the Resilience of Ecosystem Services” Annual Review of Environment and Resources. November, 2012. 37(1), 421-448.

Davoudi S, Shaw K, Haider LJ, Quinlan AE, Peterson GD, Wilkinson C, Fünfgeld H, McEvoy D, Porter L and Davoudi S (2012). “Resilience: A Bridging Concept or a Dead End? “Reframing” Resilience: Challenges for Planning Theory and Practice Interacting Traps: Resilience Assessment of a Pasture Management System in Northern Afghanistan Urban Resilience: What Does it Mean in Planning Practice? Resilience as a Useful Concept for Climate Change Adaptation? The Politics of Resilience for Planning: A Cautionary Note” Planning Theory & Practice. June, 2012. 13(2), 299-333.

Lade SJ and Gross T (2012). “Early warning signals for critical transitions: a generalized modeling approach.” PLoS computational biology. February, 2012. 8(2), e1002360.
[DOI] [URL] [PDF] [Supporting information]

Schlüter M, McAllister RRJ, Arlinghaus R, Bunnefeld N, Eisenack K, Hölker F, Milner-Gulland E, Müller B, Nicholson E, Quaas M and Stöven M (2012). “New Horizons for Managing the Environment: A Review of Coupled Social-Ecological Systems Modeling” Natural Resource Modeling. 25(1), 219-272.

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