Our team in April 2019, Kräftriket, Stockholm Resilience Centre (by Ashley Perl).

SES-LINK Masters students


Saúl Arriaga M.
Visiting Bachelor student

Saúl Arriaga M. is a Bachelor Student in Forest Restoration Engineering from Chapingo University, México. He is collaborating in the Spain Case at the CoMet Project in the Stockholm Resilience Centre. He is currently working on ecosystem restoration projects in complex social-hydrological systems using GIS and Network Analysis.

Raphael Gutwein
MSc Student

Raphael is a MSc Student of Integrated Natural Resource Management (INRM) from Humboldt University who is writing his MSc Thesis in collaboration with the SRC and the SES-Link group. He is interested in socio-ecological-systems dynamics and policy processes, with a distinct focus on public policy. During his Thesis, Raphael will focus on agent-based modeling and the adaptation of the PoliSEA-Model to investigate timing of policy change and the role of policy-learning mechanisms in the governance of fisheries.

Interests: policy change, resource governance, agents-based modeling, simulation, complex adaptive systems, socio-ecological systems, environmental policy

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