
When you are curious about our models, you find an alphabetical list with them here.
You are welcome to experiment with them and ask our team members for more details! Abbreviations: ABM = Agent-based model; SD = System dynamics





Common pool resource model that integrates behavioural experiments and ABM (mixed-method approach) to develop explanations about when and how cooperative and sustainable resource use behaviour occurs.

Model-ComSES, Paper, Project

Nanda Wijermans, Caroline Schill, Therese Lindahl, Maja Schlüter (2016, November 13). “AgentEx” (Version 1.0.0). CoMSES Computational Model Library. Retrieved from:

Nanda Wijermans
Stylized simulation
Model to investigate the emergence of the tradeoff between water use for irrigation and lake fisheries and its effect on the resilience of a river basin SES to fluctuations in water availability. Stylized model based on water use tradeoffs for different ecosystems services found in the Amudarya river basin in Uzbekistan. Schlüter, M., Leslie, H., Levin, S., 2009. Managing water-use trade-offs in a semi-arid river delta to sustain multiple ecosystem services: a modeling approach. ECOLOGICAL RESEARCH 24, 491–503.
Maja Schlüter
The AG-Innovations model serves as an exploratory tool to (i) expand the conceptualization of innovations as a complex adaptive process operating across scales  (ii)  compare the effects of two alternate mechanisms of innovation development and diffusion (exogenous, linear and endogenous, non-linear) (iii) assess the range of conditions under which these two alternate mechanisms would be effective in improving farmer well being and resilience under the context of a changing environment.  The model highlights the role of social learning and knowledge sharing within actors in an agricultural innovation system.  Ongoing – see project page AG-innovations Udita Sanga
Model to investigate the robustness of norm-driven cooperation of harvesters of a common pool resource to resource fluctuations. Theoretical model based on evolutionary game theoretic model published in Tavoni et al. 2012. Schlüter, M., Tavoni, A., Levin, S., 2016. Robustness of norm-driven cooperation in the commons. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 283, 20152431. Paper, RepastJ git repository Maja Schlüter

FIsher BEhaviour (FIBE) model’s aim is to reflect the different fishing behaviours as described and observed in the (Swedish) Baltic Sea fishery and explore the consequences of different approximations of human/fisher behaviour in under different environmental and managerial scenarios. It is made to advance the incorporation and understanding of human behaviour (diversity) in fisheries research and management. In particular, focusing on including/formalising insights from the social sciences.

Model-ComSES, Paper, Project

Nanda Wijermans, Maja Schlüter, Kirill Orach, Wijnand Boonstra, Jonas Hentati-Sundberg (2020, April 20). “FIBE – FIsher BEhaviour model” (Version 1.0.0). CoMSES Computational Model Library. Retrieved from:

Nanda Wijermans


This model attempts to understand the general dynamics of fisher mobility for over larger spatial scales. The model can be used for investigating the complex interplay that exists between mobility and fish stock heterogeneity across regions, and the associated outcomes of mobility at the system level. Publication In Review.
Published model: E. Lindkvist (2020). “FishMob: Interactions between fisher mobility and spatial resource heterogeneity” (Version 1.0.0). CoMSES Computational Model Library.
Download at ComSES; Project page
Emilie Lindkvist


This model reveals how social differentiation influences how actors in a small-scale fishery influences the emergence of social acceptance of a new intervention in relation to compliance to the rules and norms around an intervention (here in a temporary closure of a fishing area for octopus). Work in progress. Project page Emilie Lindkvist, Jineth Berrío Martínez


An empirical model of a single-species fishery with multiple types of fishers who make harvest and licensing decisions in response to multiple fisheries management scenarios. The model investigates how regulatory interventions affect inequality and sustainability outcomes in small-scale fisheries, and is informed by quantitative and qualitative data from the Mexican chocolate clam fishery.



Kara Pellowe & Emilie Lindkvist


Simulation of pike fish in a shallow lake driven by nutrients from insufficient water sewage treatment. Analysis of time lags from lake restoration through regulation of private houseowners to improve their sewage system. System dynamics for ecology, ABM for social system. Based on regime shift theory and links to ecosystem service analyses. Martin, R. & Schlüter, M. Combining system dynamics and agent-based modeling to analyze social-ecological interactions – an example from modeling restoration of a shallow lake. Front. Environ. Sci. 3, (2015).
Paper, ComSES, NetLogo git repository, Project
Romina Martin


Extension of LimnoSES which adds Vegetation to the shallow lake model and provides additional interventions (Planting, Trawling, Angling) for lake management. The tool now provides a deep lake model, multiple municipal agents, and a complex intervention planner. Work is ongoing to provide a complete governance layer to investigate various policy strategies. Git repository, Project Tim DuBois
Model of a policy cycle, integrated with the dynamics of a simplified fishery social-ecological system. The political system includes industry and environmental interest groups that perceive information, lobby, form coalitions and attempt to influence policymakers; and policymakers who decide on the fishing quota. Interest groups can decide to lobby alone or in coalition, depending on their funding, their perception of state of the fish population or fishery income. git, ComSES Kirill Orach
Poverty Traps
Dynamical system model
Three dimensional, nonlinear dynamical system model represents intertwined dynamics of assets, phosphorus and soil quality or water. Analysis of position and number of attractors and corresponding basins of attraction can be used for testing efficiency of poverty alleviation strategies.   Sonja Radosavljevic
Small-Trade Model
ABM, Networks
The purpose of this model is to understand the role of trade networks and their interaction with different fish resources in spatially distant regions, for the resilience of fish provision. The model processes are informed by qualitative data analysis, and the social network analysis of an empirical fish trade network. González-Mon B, Lindkvist E, Bodin Ö, Zepeda-Domínguez JA and Schlüter M (2021). “Fish provision in a changing environment: The buffering effect of regional trade networks” PLoS ONE 16(12) Paper, Project Blanca Gonzalez-Mon & Emilie Lindkvist
A model to study the emergence of cooperative versus top-down self-governance arrangements in small-scale fisheries. Publication: Emilie Lindkvist, Xavier Basurto, Maja Schlüter (2017). Micro-level explanations for emergent patterns of self-governance arrangements in small-scale fisheries—a modeling approach. PLOS ONE.
Project, ComSES
Emilie Lindkvist, Maja Schlüter
A model for exploring under which conditions a fishing community can transform from being dominated by fishers working under fish buyers towards cooperative arrangements.

MODEL: Emilie Lindkvist, Maja Schlüter, Xavier Basurto (2021). SMILI-T: Small-scale fisheries institutions and local interactions for transformations

PAPER: Maja Schlüter, Emilie Lindkvist. Xavier Basurto (2021). The interplay between top-down interventions and bottom-up self-organization shapes opportunities for transforming self-governance in small-scale fisheries

Emilie Lindkvist, Maja Schlüter
A mixed theoretical and empirical model composed of a generic bio-economic model foundation that we extended with quantification of the impacts of environmental change on social relationship dynamics in the Mexican Humboldt Squid Fishery. Publication: Elsler, L.G., Frawley, T.H., Britten, G.L., Crowder, L.B., DuBois, T.C., Gilly, W.F., Radosavljevic, S., Crépin, A.-S., Schlüter, M., 2020. Social relationship dynamics mediate climatic impacts on income inequality: evidence from the Mexican Humboldt squid fishery. Regional Environmental Change. (Accepted, 2021) Laura Elsler