Online CoMSES Conference premieres!
During October 2nd – October 20th 2017 CoMSES (the Network for Computational Modeling in the Social and Ecological Sciences) presents its first online conference CoMSES 2017!
The conference presents work of scholars who develop and use computational models in the social, environmental, and sustainability sciences. Those talks that involve computational models will in most occasions have their model code and documentation available so you can dive into the specifics of the model.
Go online and among all the great talks – watch out for:
Maja Schlüter’s talk on Modeling human behavior in agent-based models of social-ecological systems.
Nanda Wijerman’s talk on Formalising fisher diversity in FIBE
and Emilie Lindkvist’s talk on Spatial and sequential stock depletion through increased fisher mobility: An agent-based modeling approach.