”Co-creation – making Ecological Economics matter” was the title of this years international conference of the European Society for Ecological Economics in Turku, Finland. In…
Students of sustainability science are often faced with the need to consider a multitude of different knowledge types and forms. This can be quite challenging,…
During October 2nd – October 20th 2017 CoMSES (the Network for Computational Modeling in the Social and Ecological Sciences) presents its first online conference CoMSES…
We are recruiting two postdocs within the MuSES and GRAID projects for social-ecological modeling of traps and cross-scale interactions in small-scale fisheries and agriculture. More…
(by Maja and Romina) Here we report back from our three-days retreat on a beautiful island called Muskö in the Stockholm archipelago. The whole group…
“Our methodology has not kept up with our ontologies…” we heard in our opening lecture of Case Study Research Methods, as part of the Oslo…
Some news from the Baltic Sea! Today’s focus is on management rules and their effect on fishery systems’ dynamics. What is the role of different…
The project “Human Decisions and Ecosystem Services” has been kicked off with a workshop at the National Socio-Environmental Synthesis Centre (SESYNC) in Annapolis, USA. The…