It’s almost time for Resilience Conference 2017! This will be a busy time for SES-LINK group members, with plenty of presentations and organized sessions. If…
Hot off the Press! Steven Lade, Jamila Haider and Maja Schlüter, along with Gustav Engström, have published a new study: “Resilience offers escape from trapped…
We are recruiting two postdocs within the MuSES and GRAID projects for social-ecological modeling of traps and cross-scale interactions in small-scale fisheries and agriculture. More…
“Our methodology has not kept up with our ontologies…” we heard in our opening lecture of Case Study Research Methods, as part of the Oslo…
Reflections on Resilience 2014 conference from development practitioner turned resilience scholar The entire SES Link crew was in Montpellier last week for the #Resilience 2014…
Today we had 14 parallel off-site sessions, so we can hardly report on all. So, I just start to share some impressions from the session…
Planetary Boundaries vs. Multiple Pathways
Joern Fisher already reported nicely on the plenary speeches on ‘which development pathway within planetary boundaries’ we should proceed researching on to promote transformation. We…